Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation (KIPS)

17/6 2020
0 kr / 2.495 kr.

An effective way of building cybersecurity awareness among top managers and decision makers

Kaspersky Interactive Protection Simulation (KIPS) is an exercise that places business decision makers IT security teams from corporations and government departments into a simulated business environment facing a series of unexpected cyber threats, while trying to maximize profit and maintain confidence.

The idea is to build a cyber defense strategy by making choices from amongst the best pro-active and re-active controls available. Every reaction made by the teams to the unfolding events changes the way the scenario plays out, and ultimately how much profit the company makes or fails to make.

How does the KIPS game go?

Each of the competing teams of 5 people is tasked with running a business consists of some production facilities and computers controlling it. During the rounds of the game, production facilities generate revenues / public welfare / business results.
However, the teams also have to face cyberattacks potentially impacting enterprise performance.

In order to defend their enterprise, each team has to take strategic, managerial and technical decisions while taking operational constraints into account and maintain in a high level of revenue.

KIPS Game is a dynamic awareness program based on “learning by doing”:
  • Fun, engaging and fast (2 hours).
  • Team-work builds cooperation.
  • Competition fosters initiative & analysis skills.
  • Gameplay develops understanding of cybersecurity measures.
After the KIPS Game, players come to the important and actionable conclusions for
their everyday job:
  • Cyberattacks hurt revenues, and need to be addressed from top-management level.
  • Cooperation between IT and Business people is essential for cybersecurity success.
  • Effective security budget is much smaller than revenue you risk losing, and does not
  • require millions.
  • People get used to particular security controls and its importance (audit training,
  • anti-virus, etc).
Each scenario demonstrates to participants the true role of cybersecurity in terms of business continuity and profitability, highlighting emerging challenges and threats and typical organizational errors when building their cybersecurity, while promoting cooperation between commercial and security teams – a cooperation which helps maintain stable operations and sustainability against cyberthreats.

KIPS training is targeted at ciso’s, cio’s, senior managers, business systems experts and IT professionals, increasing their awareness of the risks and security problems of running modern computerized systems.

The final between the 2 winning teams will be held on June 24.

Se program