In this presentation we will attempt to inspire you, as an IT-responsible, to how you gain full control over, and value from, your data universe.
We will present IBM’s take on a data storage architecture that covers everything from edge to core, to tape, object and/or cloud, as well as the overlying tool, that can create an overview of all the data in the organisation, and secures optimal placement according to consumption patterns and cost.
Morten G. Petersen, who has worked with optimization of file data environments for the past 15 years, is the speaker in this session. During this whiteboard session he will, amongst other things, share his experience with:
- The challenges an IT-department faces when both time and system resources must be sufficient.
- Specific areas to be aware of when defining and choosing the right data strategy.
- The lack of flexibility that a silo-based decentralized data platform typically entails.
- How to consolidate all your workloads, areas to be considered in relation to new types of workloads, like Data Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and more.
- Where does the data growth come from – file and object data vs. traditional data.
- How to consolidate data foundation into cloud solutions in the most efficient and economical way.
- The real value and accessibility of data for the applications.