event billede


08:30 - 08:55
Registrering og morgenmad

08:55 - 09:00
Niels Veileborg

09:00 - 09:25
DevOps by the Numbers – How to measure DevOps at Scale
There’s no mistaking how important initiatives like DevOps and Continuous Delivery are to organisations seeking to gain a competitive edge. However, without the right metrics, enterprises that have adopted DevOps or Continuous Delivery strategies have no way of measuring their effectiveness in the context of their digital transformation goals.

The ability to analyze information to improve and optimize decisions and performance is the future of DevOps. This insight about the software delivery pipeline will become a critical resource for business intelligence in the future.
So, what are the right measures for answering questions like “are we getting better at delivering high-quality software faster and at scale?” and “has all this effort been worth it?”

In this session, you learn ways to better measure the processes and output of your DevOps and Continuous Delivery transformation.

You'll also learn how to:
  • Identify the best metrics for various stakeholders in your software development lifecycle
  • Measure and demonstrate the business value and effectiveness of DevOps and Continuous Delivery processes and programs

  • Address some of the challenges along your process that these metrics and KPI's may reveal
Maarten Kennis
Sales Engineer
XebiaLabs, NL

09:30 - 09:55
Hvordan opnår I en kontinuerlig udviklingsproces, der virker?
Strømlin hele jeres udviklingsproces fra første kodning over de første automatiserede testfaser til implementering af nyt software –uanset om udviklingen foregår i jeres eget datacenter eller i skyen.

Vi viser jer, hvordan I giver udviklerne adgang til de data, de skal bruge, når de skal bruge det, uden at ændre deres måde at arbejde på.
Marcus Nilsson
solution engineer
NetApp Denmark ApS

10:00 - 10:25
Transforming culture, processes and tooling to accelerate software deliveries
Learn how to accelerate your time to market with a total end-to-end methodology – creating value fast.
  • Looking at both how and why and which areas are the key to success.
Indlægget bliver afholdt på engelsk.
Chris Rowett
VP, Technical Sales, Continuous Delivery
CA Technologies

10:30 - 10:45

10:45 - 11:10
Who is "Ops" in your "DevOps"? Will testers have to learn to program?
Modern software-development implies that the agile infrastructure is programmable and immutable. And in the future even end-to-end feature tests are automated. Software is truly eating the world, including the world of software development. Will sysadmins and testers have to learn how to program? Or will programmers have to learn how to test and build infrastructure? How is this cow gonna fly?
Lars Kruse
Partner and co-founder of Praqma the Continuous delivery Company

11:15 - 11:40
Lars Kruse, Praqma the Continuous delivery Company
Maarten Kennis, XebiaLabs
Marcus Nilsson, NetApp Denmark ApS
Chris Rowett, CA

11:45 - 11:45
Tak for i dag
Det får du ud af det
  • Konkrete cases
  • Inspiration til hvordan I kommer i gang
  • Indblik i værdien ved devops tilgangen
Praktiske Oplysninger
28/2 2018
08:30 til 11:45
Wihlborgs Konferencecenter
Lautrupvang 8
2750 Ballerup
0 kr / 2.495 kr.
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